Page name: Fallout Brotherhood Ascension [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-07-08 19:01:41
Last author: ~Valkyrie~
Owner: Asdroth
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Fallout Brotherhood Ascension


War. War never changes.
The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth.

In 2077, the storm of world war had come again. In two brief hours, most of the planet was reduced to cinders. And from the ashes of nuclear devastation, a new civilization would struggle to arise.

How will you shape the world? Will you bring humanity closer to civilized life once more, or drag it down deeper into the darkness that is the world you now live in.

War Never Changes...

The Rules!

- [Asdroth](That is me!) will be your primary Admin. Do not argue with me. I am willing to talk most things out, and am willing to work with people over any issue.

- A secondary Admin will be placed in effect. I will choose them when the time comes. Do not argue with them ether.

- IMPORTANT RULE! HAVE FUN! If it is not fun for you just let me know what I can do to help you out with that.(please don't ask things like "Can I have 10,000 starting caps, and play a death claw?")

-Be Respectful: To the other players and the admins.

-Be A Professional: Make sure your post are readable, and give other players things to work with in your posts. If your going to be offline for life reasons or anything else let an admin know.

-Be Polite: Just don't be an ass hole, or decide that because the player of a charter pissed you off in another game that you are going to treat there character like dirt and constantly aggravate them regardless of what they do.

-Be Prepared to Kill Everyone in The Room: Not really what you may think... I love making well loved and well rounded NPCs... And then have them stab the players in the back, have a hart attack, or Become killed in horribly unspeakable ways. If you like an NPC, and you want them to live let me know.

-DO. NOT. CHEAT!: This game will have active inventory tracking, and I am going to take notes on your gear. If suddenly you get a mini gun, two gallons of water, and power armor when you had nothing but a 10mm pistol, and a water skin... I am not even going to be nice about separation from the game.

-Before Posting For The First Time: Send me a link to your character, and I will do a small rp screening with you. Just a private screening so I know how you work before tossing you into the thick of it. (If I have played with you before, your cool to skip the privet screening. Up to you.) After the screening I will let you know where to post.

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2014-04-07 [The Blood Angel]: I'll start having a proper look at this today.

2014-04-07 [Asdroth]: works for me.! lol.

2014-04-07 [Avaz]: Are you going to use the Fallout RPG rules for this? Or just something derivative from it?

2014-04-07 [~Valkyrie~]: He's running it pretty much like any other text RP here on Elftown. The only difference is that he's keeping track of gear.

2014-04-07 [Ravenclaw]: Gear but not ammunition. Which is helpful.

2014-04-07 [Avaz]: Oh. Bummer. Personally, freeform text RP is a lot less interesting to me than stat-driven, dice-rolling ones. Good luck, though! :)

2014-04-07 [The Blood Angel]: Trying to do a structured rp with dice rolls etc is an absolute pain in the arse. Though I think keeping account of ammo should be in there, it is post apocalyptic after all and resources should be a finite. No letting loose full auto every encounter.

2014-04-08 [Asdroth]: I was not really thinking about that BA... Thank you.(though you would think with my job ammo alloment to fire fight wouldbe a important thing to me.If anyone has any ideas over what I could do dice wise. I am all ears.

2014-04-08 [Ravenclaw]: Every time you edit a wiki it gives you a random D20 roll. Duno how to apply that, but it's there.

2014-04-08 [Avaz]: I dunno if it's really that much of a pain. I mean, I ran one of my own games a couple years back (Dreaming in Gears) and it worked out just fine. I mean sure, there was a fair bit of image wrangling to keep up with areas discovered and some data bookkeeping, but I knew that going in and was prepared for it.

Fun fact: I wrote DiG's ruleset as a derivative from Fallout's SPECIAL system.

EDIT: I also used the honor system with dice rolls and trusted the players not to cheat. You may or may not be able to do it that way, [Asdroth].

2014-04-08 [Flisky]: I already offered to help with the actual number system.

2014-04-08 [Asdroth]: this is coming together nicely.

2014-04-10 [Asdroth]: Just make the characters for now, By tomorrow I will have the rules system up for everyone. for dice. Maybe this will be far mroe table top than I though.

2014-04-10 [Ravenclaw]: I duno if I'm down or not. The more I think I am the more I realize how damn busy I am.

2014-04-10 [Asdroth]: it is okay RC the game won't go live for about a month. from Friday. If your schedule clears you are welcome to join at any time. =)

2014-04-10 [Ravenclaw]: ty

2014-04-10 [Asdroth]: You have always been pashent with me and my job RC. The least I can do is the same for you! =)

2014-04-10 [Ravenclaw]: ^____^

Your's is much less of a typical job though. You don't HAVE to defend our country at the cost of your own life. You choose too. *internet high five*

2014-04-10 [The Blood Angel]: I'm more than willing to give the system a try. will be coming up with character concepts and I'll have a sheet done for you in the near future.

2014-04-10 [Asdroth]: cool BA. *high five RC*

2014-04-10 [Asdroth]: for those of you who do not know. I am going to be heading to NTC very soon. end of this week soon. I will be out of communication for 30 days.

2014-04-11 [Asdroth]: up date on rules. Just so everyone knows I found a papered rules set for everyone to help with character creation. well PDF. It runs the rules for the computer games.

the only exception is that you will begin with 5 in each SPECIAL, and have 5 extra to split. just use the creation rules outlined in here form there.

2014-04-15 [Avaz]: Hey gang, just wanted to throw this public service announcement out there. Version 3.0 has rules in wiki form.

2014-05-10 [Asdroth]: thanks Avaz!

2014-05-11 [Asdroth]: Alright all. Head count on who all is interested in this game still?

2014-07-03 [Asdroth]: Hey I'm gonna try to keep this alive. If I only have one player to start that is fine. By the 12th I should have the first adventure up. I am dropping the dice role system off the table, and we are just text based shoot out. Don't be offended if big baddies don't drop in a few hits.

2014-07-03 [Asdroth]: Angel. You in still.

2014-07-03 [~Valkyrie~]: Of course!

2014-07-14 [Eyden13]: I want in!

2014-07-15 [Asdroth]: Oh well just crest a character then

2014-07-16 [Eyden13]: Coolio. Should have one ready for you with in the next two days.

2014-07-16 [Asdroth]: Cool. Just so you know I am a deployed soldier. So I'm 8 hours ahead of you.

2014-07-16 [Eyden13]: No problem.

2014-07-16 [Asdroth]: Cool

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